Marine Dealer Website Hosting + Winboats XML Feed

Specialized Websites for Marine Dealers, Powered by Winboats

Marine Dealer Website [Powered by Winboats XML]

A website powered by Winboats saves you time/money by keeping all of your boat inventory displayed on your website in real time - so you can sell more boats, with less work!

  • Wordpress
  • Premium Theme
  • Customized to your specific needs
  • Lead Forms > Winboats Boat Finder
  • Trade-in Evaluation Form
  • Winterization/Storage intake Form
  • Free SSL
  • 8000 MB Disk Space
  • 10 Add-On Domains
  • 10 Sub-Domains
  • Unlimited Parked Domains
  • Priority Support

Marine Dealers VPS - Powered by Winboats

A Virtual Private Server, powered by Winboats saves you time/money by keeping all of your boat inventory displayed on your website in real time - so you can sell more boats, with less work!

  • Wordpress
  • Premium Theme
  • Customized to your specific needs
  • Lead Forms > Winboats Boat Finder
  • Trade-in Evaluation Form
  • Winterization/Storage intake Form
  • Free SSL
  • 60GB Disk Space
  • Unlimited Add-On Domains
  • Unlimited Sub-Domains
  • Unlimited Parked Domains
  • Priority Support

Marine Dealer Website Hosting [API Lightspeed DMS]
Marine Dealer Website Hosting [xml feed BITDMS]